electrical engineering and computer science at UVic
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Post by pan »

be aware of deadlines

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Last edited by pan on Fri Sep 07, 2012 5:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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undergrad and research

Post by pan »

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Post by pan »

"We have been advised by Research Admin that ECE students can apply
through C SC for an NSERC USRA if they are going to do a project with
a C SC prof. Pls have the students get their applications in to us
by November 3 and make sure they meet the eligibility criteria
(full-time student or on a work term immediately prior to the term
that they want to assume the award; at least a GPA of 6.50 or higher,
Canadian or Permanent Resident)."

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Post by pan »

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nserc usra 2007-2008

Post by pan »

"Our department has been awarded 8 undergraduate NSERC (URSA) awards which are available to us from May 1,2007 to April 30, 2008.

These awards are worth $1,125 per month to the student for 4 months. Please advise your students of the availability of these awards. This is
not strictly a summer research program, therefore our quota must allow for co-op students who can participate in the Summer, Fall or Winter
term of the2007 - 2008 fiscal year.

Faculty must be NSERC Research Award holders in order to supervise. Faculty must top-up the award to at least 25% of its value (i.e. $281.25
per month). Supervisors may pay more if they wish.

NSERC encourages us to use the USRA program as a tool to help address the strong demand for highly qualified persons in a number of
disciplines and, in particular, the under-representation of women and other designated groups in certain areas. For example, past USRA
participation rates indicate that women are under-represented in areas such as Information and Communications Technology (ICT), where there is
an unprecedented overall need for highly trained people. NSERC has also noted that women are under-represented in areas such as pure
mathematics, mechanical engineering, condensed matter physics, and organic syntheses. While the component of the USRA program targeted to
women is no longer in existence, we are strongly encouraged to ensure that, whenever possible, at least 50% of our allocation is awarded to
female undergraduate students.

In continuation of its incentives for Aboriginal undergraduate students to pursue graduate studies and research careers in the natural
sciences and engineering, NSERC would like us to actively promote the availability of USRAs to qualified Aboriginal students. Awards that we
make to Aboriginal students will be in addition to our quota. Please identify these applications, if any, when they are submitted.

Application forms (Form 202) for the program are available in electronic format and in a PDF version. NSERC encourages students and their
proposed supervisiors to fill out the electronic form directly for its web site at www.nserc.gc.ca/forms/formtable_e.htm by clicking on Login
to the system or Registeer as a New User. The PDF version of the form and the instructions can be found at
www.nserc.gc.ca/forms/formtable2_e.htm A copy of the relevant pages from the Scholarships and Fellowships Guide pertaining to the USRAs in
Universities is available either from me or from Isabel.

The USRA program makes no provision for sick leave or other interruptions of awards. Should a work term be interrupted or terminated early
for any reason, universities must inform NSERC immediately. Awards may not be deferred.

Completed applications should be submitted through Isabel Campos by the following dates:

February15 for awards to be assumed 1 May2007

**June 15for awards to be assumed 1 September2007 and 1 January 2008

**NOTE - our allocation of 8 awards must be known by June 15 or we have to forfeit them.

Applications must be prioritized by the Chair before being submitted to Research Administration by the deadlines they have set for

Again, please advise your students of the availability of these awards and encourage them to apply before the deadlines above


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Post by pan »

"Hello all,

A gentle reminder that the Summer 2007 Deadline for USRA submission is February 15th, 2007.If you are aware of any undergraduate students who
are contemplating applying for one of these awards, please encourage them to apply and note the deadline for doing so. More information is
available on our website.


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Post by pan »

"Our departmentwas awarded 8 undergraduate NSERC (URSA) awards available to us from May 1, 2007 to April 30,2008. 5 of these awards have
already been designated for the May-August 2007 session. We, therefore, have 3 awards left which can be used in the September - December 2007
or January - April 2008 terms.

These awards are worth $1,125 per month to the student for 4 months. Please advise your students of the availability of these awards. This is
not strictly a summer research program, therefore our quota must allow for co-op students who can participate in the Summer, Fall or Winter
term of the2007 - 2008 fiscal year.

Faculty must be NSERC Research Award holders in order to supervise. Faculty must top-up the award to at least 25% of its value (i.e. $281.25
per month). Supervisors may pay more if they wish.

NSERC encourages us to use the USRA program as a tool to help address the strong demand for highly qualified persons in a number of
disciplines and, in particular, the under-representation of women and other designated groups in certain areas. For example, past USRA
participation rates indicate that women are under-represented in areas such as Information and Communications Technology (ICT), where there is
an unprecedented overall need for highly trained people. NSERC has also noted that women are under-represented in areas such as pure
mathematics, mechanical engineering, condensed matter physics, and organic syntheses. While the component of the USRA program targeted to
women is no longer in existence, we are strongly encouraged to ensure that, whenever possible, at least 50% of our allocation is awarded to
female undergraduate students.

In continuation of its incentives for Aboriginal undergraduate students to pursue graduate studies and research careers in the natural
sciences and engineering, NSERC would like us to actively promote the availability of USRAs to qualified Aboriginal students. Awards that we
make to Aboriginal students will be in addition to our quota. Please identify these applications, if any, when they are submitted.

Application forms (Form 202) are available on the NSERC Web site in electronic format and in PDF version at www.nserc.ca/forms/formtable_e.htm
. NSERC encourages students and their proposed supervisors to fill out the electronic form directly from the Web site. A copy of the relevant
pages from the Scholarships and Fellowships Guide pertaining to the USRAs in Universities is available either from me or from Isabel.

Completed applications should be submitted through Isabel Campos by the following dates:

June 15 for an award to be assumed 1 September 2007

November2 for an award to be assumed 1 January 2008

Applications must be prioritized by the Chair before being submitted to Research Administration by the deadlines they have set for

Again, please advise your students of the availability of these awards and encourage them to apply.Our office will be distributing a slide
promoting these awards so that you can display it to your students at the start of classes.


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nserc usra 2010-2011 (was: 2009-2010 (was: 2008-2009))

Post by pan »

9 awards allocated, 5 used for summer 2008, 4 left


"Our department has been awarded 9 undergraduate NSERC (URSA) awards which are available to us from May 1, 2008 to April 30, 2009. This is an
increase of one award over what we were allotted last year.

These awards are worth $1,125 per month to the student for 4 months. Please advise your students of the availability of these awards. This is
not strictly a summer research program, therefore our quota must allow for co-op students who can participate in the Summer, Fall or Spring
terms of 2008 - 2009.

Faculty must be NSERC Research Award holders in order to supervise. Faculty must top-up the award to at least 25% of its value (i.e. $281.25
per month). Supervisors may pay more if they wish.

NSERC encourages us to use the USRA program as a tool to help address the strong demand for highly qualified persons in a number of
disciplines and, in particular, the under-representation of women and other designated groups in certain areas. For example, past USRA
participation rates indicate that women are under-represented in areas such as Information and Communications Technology (ICT), where there is
an unprecedented overall need for highly trained people. NSERC has also noted that women are under-represented in areas such as pure
mathematics, mechanical engineering, condensed matter physics, and organic syntheses. While the component of the USRA program targeted to
women is no longer in existence, we are strongly encouraged to ensure that, whenever possible, at least 50% of our allocation is awarded to
female undergraduate students.

In continuation of its incentives for Aboriginal undergraduate students to pursue graduate studies and research careers in the natural
sciences and engineering, NSERC would like us to actively promote the availability of USRAs to qualified Aboriginal students. Awards that we
make to Aboriginal students will be in addition to our quota. Please identify these applications, if any, when they are submitted.

Application forms (Form 202) are available on the NSERC Web site in electronic format and in PDF version at www.nserc.ca/forms/formtable_e.htm
. NSERC encourages students and their proposed supervisors to fill out the electronic form directly from the Web site. Regulations governing
the USRAs are posted on NSERCs web site in the Program Guide for Students and Fellows at www.nserc.gc.ca/sf_easp?nav=sfnav&lbi=1_toc
These regulations must be used along with the NSERC Guidelines for Competition 2008-09, a copy of which is available from Sharon or
from Isabel Campos.

Completed applications should be submitted through Isabel Campos by the following dates:

February 8 for an award to be assumed 1 May 2008

June 9 for an award to be assumed 1 September 2008

October 24 for an award to be assumed 1 January 2009

Applications must be prioritized by the Chair before being submitted to Research Administration by the deadlines they have set for

Again, please advise your students of the availability of these awards and ENCOURAGE them to apply."

Last edited by pan on Mon Jan 04, 2010 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 57886
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Post by pan »

uvic csc dept deadlines

February 9 for an award to be assumed 1 May 2009

June 8 for an award to be assumed 1 September

October 26 for an award to be assumed 1 January 2010

Our department has been awarded 8 undergraduate NSERC (URSA) awards
which are available to us from May 1, 2009 to April 30, 2010. This
is a decrease of one award over what we were allotted last year.

These awards are worth $1,125 per month to the student for 4 months.
Please advise your students of the availability of these awards. This
is not strictly a summer research program, therefore our quota must
allow for co-op students who can participate in the Summer, Fall or
Spring terms of 2009 - 2010.

Faculty must be NSERC Research Award holders in order to supervise.
Faculty must top-up the award to at least 25% of its value (i.e.
$281.25 per month). Supervisors may pay more if they wish.

Please note:

� Students should not receive academic credit for the work
done during the term of a USRA.

� Holders of these awards are NOT permitted to take courses
during working hours throughout the term of their award unless
special arrangements to make-up the time have been made with the
supervisor AND the request to take a course during the term of the
USRA has been approved by NSERC prior to the start of the USRA.

NSERC encourages us to use the USRA program as a tool to help address
the strong demand for highly qualified persons in a number of
disciplines and, in particular, the under-representation of women and
other designated groups in certain areas. For example, past USRA
participation rates indicate that women are under-represented in
areas such as Information and Communications Technology (ICT), where
there is an unprecedented overall need for highly trained people.
NSERC has also noted that women are under-represented in areas such
as pure mathematics, mechanical engineering, condensed matter
physics, and organic syntheses. While the component of the USRA
program targeted to women is no longer in existence, we are strongly
encouraged to ensure that, whenever possible, at least 50% of our
allocation is awarded to female undergraduate students.

In continuation of its incentives for Aboriginal undergraduate
students to pursue graduate studies and research careers in the
natural sciences and engineering, NSERC would like us to actively
promote the availability of USRAs to qualified Aboriginal students.
Awards that we make to Aboriginal students will be in addition to our
quota. Please identify these applications, if any, when they are

Application forms (Form 202) are available on the NSERC Web site in
electronic format and in PDF version at
www.nserc.ca/forms/formtable_e.htm . NSERC encourages students and
their proposed supervisors to fill out the electronic form directly
from the Web site. Regulations governing the USRAs are posted on
NSERCs web site in the Program Guide for Students and Fellows at
www.nserc.gc.ca/sf_easp?nav=sfnav&lbi=1_toc These regulations
must be used along with the NSERC Guidelines for Competition 2008-09,
a copy of which is available from me or from Isabel Campos.

Handwritten applications WILL NOT be accepted.

Completed applications should be submitted through Isabel Campos by
the following dates:

February 9 for an award to be assumed 1 May 2009

June 8 for an award to be assumed 1 September

October 26 for an award to be assumed 1 January 2010

Applications must be prioritized by the Chair before being submitted
to Research Administration by the deadlines they have set for

Again, please advise your students of the availability of these
awards and ENCOURAGE them to apply.


Sharon Moulson

Assistant to the Chair

Department of Computer Science

Room 504 Engineering and Computer Science Building

Tel: 250-472-5704 FAX: 250-472-5708

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Post by pan »

February 5 for an award to be assumed 3 May 2010

June 4 for an award to be assumed 1 September

October 22 for an award to be assumed 3 January 2011

Our department has been awarded 9 undergraduate NSERC (URSA) awards
which are available to us from May 1, 2010 to April 30, 2011.

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Post by pan »

NEW UVic Undergraduate Research Journal: The Arbutus Review

Motivated by the extraordinary research taking place amongst students
on campus, we are pleased to announce that UVic has a new,
interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, online undergraduate journal that
gives undergraduate students an opportunity to be involved in the
publication process as an author, reviewer, and/or editor. The
Arbutus Review will be an annual compilation of outstanding research
papers/articles/essays/projects submitted by undergraduate students.
The deadline for submissions for authors, as well as applications for
the volunteer positions of editors and reviewers, is June 15th. Check
The Arbutus Review website for more information.

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Post by pan »

deadlines at uvic research office. dept deadlines might be earlier

Deadline Starting Date
15 February 2011 2 May 2011
15 June 2011 1 September 2011
1 November 2011 2 January 2012

  1. Program regulations
    The regulations governing the USRAs are posted on NSERC’s Web site in the Program Guide for Students and Fellows at http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-E ... PC_eng.asp

These regulations must be used along with the following guidelines.

  1. Duration of the award
    NSERC expects universities to make all efforts to give USRAs to qualified students able to hold the awards for 16 consecutive weeks, full-time. Exceptions to this requirement will be made only in truly exceptional cases where the situation is beyond the control of the student, and where the appropriately justified request is received at NSERC before the beginning of the work term. These awards will be prorated.

  2. USRA Objective
    The objective of the USRA program is to provide research work experience that complements the degree program in order to encourage students to consider graduate studies and/or a research career. A USRA is intended to be over and above the academic credits needed for the degree, similar to a co-op placement. They may be held concurrently with a co-op placement.

Students should not receive academic credits for the work done during the term of a USRA. Therefore, holders of these awards are not permitted to take courses during working hours throughout the term of their award unless special arrangements to make-up the time has been made with the supervisor. In particular, they are not permitted to do thesis research during the term of the award.

  1. Full-time requirement removed
    There is no longer a requirement that students applying for USRAs must be enrolled full-time in their program to be eligible to apply. Universities may add that criterion to their own internal application requirements, if they choose. NSERC expects that most awards will still be held by full-time students.

  2. Sick leave/vacation
    The USRA program makes no provision for sick leave or other interruptions of awards. Should a work term be interrupted or terminated early for any reason, universities must inform NSERC immediately, and accurately complete the Confirmation of Payments form. Awards may not be deferred.

  3. USRA application forms
    A complete application for a USRA includes Part I and II of an Application for an Undergraduate Student Research Award (Form 202).

Students and their proposed supervisors must fill out the electronic form directly from the NSERC Web site at:
http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/OnlineServ ... ex_eng.asp
by selecting Login to the system or Register as a New User.

Form 202 and its instructions are available as PDF documents at
http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/OnlineServ ... es_eng.asp for reference.

Once completed, Part I and Part II of Form 202 must be printed, signed, and submitted through your internal university competition process. Please remind students and supervisors that filling out the form on-line will not transmit it electronically to NSERC. No hand-written applications will be accepted. Application presentation standards must be followed.

Part II of Form 202 must be signed by the proposed supervisor. No one else can sign for the supervisor. The Head of the Department must also sign the form. If the supervisor is the Head of Department, his/her delegate must sign. The PIN (Personal Identification Number) of the proposed supervisor and the AID (Application Identification Number) of the NSERC grant are essential.

  1. Incentive for Aboriginal students
    NSERC continues to encourage Aboriginal students to pursue university studies in the natural sciences and engineering. Any Aboriginal student who meets all the program’s eligibility criteria and is recommended by an eligible Canadian university for a USRA will not be counted in that university’s USRA quota.

As a guideline, you may use the following definition of Aboriginal:

Aboriginal peoples are defined as the descendants of the original inhabitants of North America. The Constitution Act, 1982 recognizes three groups of Aboriginal people: Indians, Métis people and Inuit. Eligibility may be established through official documentation (certificate of Indian status, band/treaty number, or enrolment as a beneficiary of a land claim agreement). Aboriginal peoples without official documentation can establish their eligibility by demonstrating their involvement within the Aboriginal community or their acceptance as people of Aboriginal ancestry within the existing Aboriginal community.

Please note that it is the students' choice to identify themselves as Aboriginal people. If they so identify themselves, they should be able to provide proof. Institutions can be flexible about the proof and should not insist on a card if a student does not have one, as mentioned in the paragraph above (for example, Métis people have no card number). As long as students have a way of identifying themselves, their self-identification should be accepted.

  1. USRA location of tenure
    a. USRAs held away from “homeâ€
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Post by pan »

ltc wrote:

This is a reminder that the Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awards (JCURA) nominations (Word documents) are due to ltc@uvic.ca on or before
September 15, 2012. You can find the nomination forms and other information at this link: http://www.ltc.uvic.ca/scholarships/jcura.php

We hope that there will be a student nominated for each of your eligible JCURA awards. Please see your eligibility at this link: http://www.ltc.uvic.ca/scholarships/jcu ... bility.php

csc wrote:

we need these nominations into the Department by September 10.

This is NOT the NSERC USRA. The Computer Science Dept has 3 awards valued at $1,500 to give to 3rd or 4th year students to work on some research over the 8 month period of the Winter Session and while they are taking classes (12 or more units). They need to be good students. with a minimum GPA of 7.0.

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Post by pan »

1. Program Details

The complete USRA program guidelines are available in the Program Guide for Students and Fellows on
the NSERC website at http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/Students-E ... PC_eng.asp.

USRA objective
The objective of the USRA program is to provide research work experience that complements the degree
program in order to encourage students to consider graduate studies and/or a research career. When
selecting students for awards, the university will assess the merit of each application on the basis of the
student’s academic record and research aptitude. A USRA is intended to be over and above the academic
credits needed for the degree, similar to a co-op placement. The award may be held concurrently with a
co-op placement.

Value and duration of the award
Awards are valued at $4,500 for a term of 16 consecutive weeks on a full-time basis. Departments are
required to supplement the NSERC portion of the award with a top-up amount of at least 25% or $1,125.
Exceptions to the 16-week, full-time requirement will be made only in truly exceptional cases where the
situation is beyond the control of the student, and where the appropriately justified request is received at
NSERC before the beginning of the work term. These awards will be prorated.


NSERC USRA Guidelines for Departments_2020-21.pdf
(230.71 KiB) Downloaded 1540 times

https://www.uvic.ca/learningandteaching ... /index.php

The Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awards (JCURA) program was established in 2009-2010 by the Vice-President Academic and Provost.

The goal of this award is to encourage undergraduates to pursue innovative and original research to enhance their learning while at the University of Victoria and to provide a valuable preparatory experience towards graduate studies or a research related career. The Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation (LTSI) administers the award process on behalf of the Provost’s Office.

JCURA is directed at undergraduate students from all disciplines and who meet the following eligibility requirements:

full-time third or fourth year undergraduate student (normally registered in 12 or more units of study in the winter session)
excellent academic standing (normally with a minimum sessional GPA of 7.0)
satisfy the general regulations of Student Awards and Financial Aid
This award experience allows students to be mentored by a faculty supervisor. Each academic unit is eligible for one to three student nominations per year, depending on the number of students in the unit.

Successful student applicants receive $1,500 credited directly to their UVic fee account.

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Post by pan »

Introduction to Engineering Research
Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology
June 2020, 232 pages, (for uvic students https://doi-org.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca ... 2002EST006)

Wendy C. Crone
University of Wisconsin--Madison


Undergraduate and first-year graduate students engaging in engineering research need more than technical skills and tools to be successful. From finding a research position and funding, to getting the mentoring needed to be successful while conducting research responsibly, to learning how to do the other aspects of research associated with project management and communication, this book provides novice researchers with the guidance they need to begin developing mastery. Awareness and deeper understanding of the broader context of research reduces barriers to success, increases capacity to contribute to a research team, and enhances ability to work both independently and collaboratively. Being prepared for what's to come and knowing the questions to ask along the way allows those entering researcher to become more comfortable engaging with not only the research itself but also their colleagues and mentors.

Table of Contents: Foreword / Preface / Acknowledgments / Credits / Introduction to Engineering Research / Finding the Right Research Position for You / Becoming a Researcher / Building on the Research of Others / Conducting Research / Documenting Your Research Findings / Sharing Your Research via Oral Communication / Sharing your Research via Written Communication / Safeguarding Your Personal Health and Happiness / Afterword / Author's Biography / Index

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